Mac Magazin/MacEasy 2
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 02.iso
Alpha.5.81 folder
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Text File
432 lines
proc normalLeftBracket {} {
insertText "\{"
proc normalRightBracket {} {
insertText "\}"
bind '\[' <zs> normalLeftBracket
bind '\]' <zs> normalRightBracket
# Select the next or current word. If word already selected, will go to next.
proc hiliteWord {} {
if {[getPos]!=[selEnd]} forwardChar
set start [getPos]
select $start [getPos]
bind 'h' <z> hiliteWord
# For mark stack.
set markName 0
set markStack ""
# Hook procs recognized: "openHook", "closeHook", "activateHook", "deactivateHook",
# "suspendHook", "saveasHook", "saveHook", and "resumeHook".
# Event hooks - set specific modes when files opened.
proc openHook name {
global winModes
if {$name == {*Toolserver shell*}} startMPW
addWinName $name
# full pathname
proc saveHook name {
global backup
if ($backup) {
catch {rm $name~}
cp $name $name~
# Clean up the mark stack.
proc closeHook name {
global markStack
global winModes
unset winModes($name)
if [llength $markStack] {
set markStack [removePat $markStack $name*]
removeWinName $name
proc saveasHook {oldName newName} {
global winModes
removeWinName $oldName
addWinName $newName
setWinMode $newName
proc activateHook name {
global winModes
if {[catch {$winModes($name)}]} {
setWinMode $name
set winModes("") ""
proc setWinMode name {
global winModes
set nm [file tail $name]
case $name in {
"*.c" { set winModes($name) setCMode }
"*.tex" { set winModes($name) setTexMode; winFuncTitle $nm "Sect" }
"*.cc" { set winModes($name) setC++Mode; winFuncTitle $nm "Meth" }
"*.cp" { set winModes($name) setC++Mode; winFuncTitle $nm "Meth" }
"*.C" { set winModes($name) setC++Mode; winFuncTitle $nm "Meth" }
"*.h" { set winModes($name) setCMode }
"*.f" { set winModes($name) setFortranMode }
"*.tcl" { set winModes($name) setTclMode; winFuncTitle $nm "Proc" }
{*Toolserver\ sh*} { set winModes($name) setMPWMode; winFuncTitle $nm "Proc" }
{*tcl\ sh*} { set winModes($name) setShellMode; winFuncTitle $nm "Proc" }
"*.sty" { set winModes($name) setTexMode; winFuncTitle $nm "Sect" }
"Browser" { set winModes($name) setBrowseMode }
default { set winModes($name) setTextMode }
# 'modes' is inspected by alpha for the popup mode menu. 'newMode' is
# called by Alpha in case of a successful choice.
set modes { C C++ Csh Fort MPW Tcl TeX Text }
set modeProcs(C) setCMode
set modeProcs(C++) setC++Mode
set modeProcs(Csh) setShellMode
set modeProcs(Fort) setFortranMode
set modeProcs(MPW) setMPWMode
set modeProcs(Tcl) setTclMode
set modeProcs(TeX) setTexMode
set modeProcs(Text) setTextMode
proc newMode mode {
global winModes
global modeProcs
set name [lindex [winNames -f] 0]
set winModes($name) $modeProcs($mode)
proc deactivateHook name {
proc suspendHook name {
global iconifyOnSwitch
global suspIconed
if {$iconifyOnSwitch} {
set wins [winNames -f]
foreach win $wins {
if {![icon -f "$win" -q]} {
set suspIconed($win) 1
icon -f "$win" -t
proc resumeHook name {
global iconifyOnSwitch resumeRevert suspIconed
if {$iconifyOnSwitch && [info exists suspIconed]} {
set wins [winNames -f]
foreach win [array names suspIconed] {
icon -f "$win" -o
unset suspIconed
if {$resumeRevert} {
set resumeRevert 0
# Handles dynamically adding and deleting window names from menu.
proc addWinName name {
global winNameToNum
global winNumToName
global fullNames
for {set i 0} {$i<100} {incr i} {
if {[catch {set nm $winNumToName($i)} res] == "1"} {
if {$fullNames != "0"} {
set nm $name
} else {
regexp {[^:]*$} $name nm
if {$i < 10} {
addMenuItem -m -l "/$i" Wins $nm
} else {
addMenuItem -m -l "" Wins $nm
set winNumToName($i) $name
set winNameToNum($name) $i
proc removeWinName name {
global winNameToNum
global winNumToName
global fullNames
set num $winNameToNum($name)
unset winNumToName($num)
unset winNameToNum($name)
if {$fullNames == "1"} {
deleteMenuItem -m Wins $name
} else {
regexp {[^:]*$} $name nm
deleteMenuItem -m Wins $nm
proc menuWin {menu name} {
global winNameToNum
set nms [array names winNameToNum]
foreach nm $nms {
if {[string match *$name $nm] == "1"} {
bringToFront $name
if [icon -q] { icon -f $name -o }
return "normal"
set lastMode 0
# rta Creating texWasLast variable
set texWasLast 0
# rta Following changed from ThinkC to MPW
# Modes
# Fortran programming mode
proc setFortranMode {} {
changeMode "Fort"
uplevel #0 {
set elecLBrace 0
set elecRBrace 0
set electricSemi 0
set wordWrap 0
set funcExpr {^( |\t)(subroutine|.*function|SUBROUTINE|.*FUNCTION).*\(.*$}
set sortedIsDefault 0
# Ordinary, default mode
proc setTextMode {} {
changeMode "Text"
uplevel #0 {
set elecLBrace 0
set elecRBrace 0
set electricSemi 0
set wordWrap 1
set prefixString "> "
set suffixString " <--"
# Instantiate a global variable to the path of a file (usually an app). As a
# side-effect, make the instantiation permanent by adding a line to 'definitions.tcl'.
proc addAppPath {name var} {
global $var
if {[catch {getfile "Find '$name' app:"} path]} {return 1}
set $var $path
addUserLine "set $var \"[quoteExpr2 $path]\""
return 0
proc addUserLine {line} {
global HOME
if {[file exists "$HOME:userStartup.tcl"]} {
set fid [open "$HOME:userStartup.tcl" "a"]
} else {
set fid [open "$HOME:userStartup.tcl" "w"]
puts $fid $line
close $fid
proc getFileSig {f} {
catch {lindex [ls -l $f] 5} var
return $var
# Look for given app sig in active processes. If not there, try to
# launch with 'path' prompting for 'path' if necessary.
# Return the real name of the app. Don't switch.
proc checkRunning {name sig path} {
global $path
foreach proc [processes] {
if {[lindex $proc 1] == $sig} {
return [lindex $proc 0]
if {![file exists [set $path]]} {
alertnote "'[set $path]' does not exist!"
error ""
if {[catch {getFileSig [set $path]}]} {
if {[addAppPath $name $path]} return
set sig [getFileSig [set $path]]
if {[catch {launch -f [set $path]}]} {
error "Problem with script."
return [file tail [set $path]]
# return [checkRunning $name $sig $path]
# Excalibur is the only Mac spell-checker that I know of which will handle LaTex as
# well as ordinary text.
set excaliburMenu "•128"
proc spellcheckWindow {} {
global excaliburPath resumeRevert
catch {checkRunning Excalibur XCLB excaliburPath} name
if {[winInfo dirty]} {
if {[askyesno "Save '[lindex [winNames] 0]'?"] == "yes"} {
if {[catch {sendOpenEvent -n $name [lindex [winNames -f] 0]}] } {
} else {
switchTo $name
set resumeRevert 1
proc spellcheckSelection {} {
global excaliburPath
catch {checkRunning Excalibur XCLB excaliburPath} name
if {[getPos] == [selEnd]} {
message "No selection"
switchTo $name
menu -n $excaliburMenu {
insertMenu $excaliburMenu
proc changeMode {newMode} {
global lastMode
global savedIsMeta
global wordBreak
global wordBreakPreface
global optionIsMeta
global latexMenu excaliburMenu thinkMenu toolserverMenu
displayMode $newMode
if {$lastMode == $newMode} return
case $lastMode in {
"Tex" {
set optionIsMeta $savedIsMeta
set wordBreakPreface {[^a-zA-Z0-9_]}
set wordBreak {[a-zA-Z0-9_]+}
set optionIsMeta 1
catch {removeMenu $latexMenu}
insertMenu $excaliburMenu
"Csh" {
catch {removeMenu "Tcl"}
"Tcl" {
catch {removeMenu "Tcl"}
"BRWZ" {
catch {removeMenu "Browse"}
"C" {
catch {removeMenu $thinkMenu}
catch {removeMenu $toolserverMenu}
"C++" {
catch {removeMenu $thinkMenu}
catch {removeMenu $toolserverMenu}
global mode
set mode $newMode
set lastMode $newMode
proc alphaHelp {} {
global HOME
edit -r -m "$HOME:Help:General Help"
set patternLibrary {
{ "Pascal to C Comments" {\{([^\}]*)\}} {/* \1 */} }
{ "C++ to C Comments" {//(.*)} {/* \1 */}}
proc dividingLine {} {
insertText "================================================================================\r"
bind 'l' <C> dividingLine
if {[catch {info args oldCd}]} {
rename cd oldCd
proc cd args {
global HOME
if {[llength $args]} {
oldCd [string trim [eval list $args] "\{\}"]
} else {
oldCd $HOME